🇮🇹 Guardando verso Est… La Mongolia è lì in

🇮🇹 Guardando verso Est… La Mongolia è lì in fondo.. A 13500 km! 🇬🇧 Heding East! Mongolia is just 13500 km far away!!! . . .
🇮🇹 Guardando verso Est… La Mongolia è lì in fondo.. A 13500 km! 🇬🇧 Heding East! Mongolia is just 13500 km far away!!! . . .
🇮🇹Piero si fa bellissimo!!! Vestitino nuovo tutto giallo e nero per il nostro furgoncino! 🇬🇧Piero has a brand new style! New Yellow dress for our small van! . . .
🇮🇹Piero si fa bellissimo!!! Vestitino nuovo tutto giallo e nero per il nostro furgoncino! 🇬🇧Piero has a brand new style! New Yellow dress for our small van! . . .
🇮🇹Anche gli interni meritano attenzione… Rivestimenti, insonorizzanti e lavori di falegnameria! 🇬🇧Ladies at work: interior design, soundproofing and carpentry! . . .
🇮🇹Anche gli interni meritano attenzione… Rivestimenti, insonorizzanti e lavori di falegnameria! 🇬🇧Ladies at work: interior design, soundproofing and carpentry! . . .
🇮🇹Piero si fa bello!!!! Preparazione alla verniciatura!!! 🇬🇧 Piero is starting its make up!!! We are prepearing it for painting! . . .
Since the comparison with a Maserati GT was not enough, we agreed in looking for a far more epic vehicle to compare to Piero! Best option found : DeLorean obviously!! ⚡⚡ . . .
1 month to go!!!!! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🚀 . . .
🇮🇷 Also known as Persia, Iran is home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations, beginning in the fourth millennium BCE. The country’s rich cultural counts 22 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Iran consists of the Iranian Plateau: its landscape IS dominated by rugged mountain ranges that separate various basins and 11 climates out of the world’s 13. Mount Damavand, Iran’s highest point at 5,610 m, which is the highest mountain on the Eurasian landmass. It is most likely the birthplace of polo, locally known as #čowgān, and traitional wrestling, called košti e pahlevāni, is registered on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritagelist Iran’s New Year begins with Nowruz, ancient Iranian tradition celebrated on the vernal equinox, considered holiday for the zoroastrians. . . mongolrally2018 mongolrally lonelyplanet gallery subaru subarulibero alboretoisnothing party indianajonesspostati theadventurists rally roadtonowhere epicjourney wanderlust solewhiskyeseiinpoleposition @ Tehran, Iran
Work in progress: Engine revision!! . . .
Another super importante step: we obtained the RUSSIAN VISA!!🇷🇺 . . . mongolrally2018 mongolrally visti visa gallery solewhiskyeseiinpoleposition subaru subarulibero alboretoisnothing party indianajonesspostati theadventurists theroad roadtomongolia russia epicjourney wanderlust 36 36daystogo dasvidaniya @ Verona, Italy
Let’s meet another team member! NAME: Fabio. BIRTHDAY: september 22nd. QUOTE: Sole Whisky e sei in Pole position. DREAM CAR: F40.. . . .
Our Magic Box arrived today! Waiting to open it in the right moment to see our stickers! Stay tuned! 🎁😀🧚♂️🎁🧚♂️🎁🎁 . . .
Samarkand, July 28th… We Will be there for one of the most exciting lunar eclipses of our life! 🌕🌔🌓🌑🌚🌑🌗🌖🌕 . . .
piero in technicolor !!! Some painting ideas before the final livery! . . .
Another highlight of our trip Will be Turkey. FACTS: It has ben inhabited since Paleolitic, then romanempire and bizantines. From the 13th the ottomanempire became a word power. universalsuffrage for both sexes has been applied since 1933. Turkey has 17 UNESCO world sites. Ankara is renowed for angoracats angorarabbits and goats. In the map you can see the provinces we are crossing in light blue . .
A big thank to our first supporters!!! With your donation to our crowfounding campagne you are helping us in saving the future of our world! Keep donating at https://gogetfunding.com/alboreto-is-nothing-mongol-rally-2018/ . . .
Meet the team!!!!! NAME: Massimiliano BIRTHDAY: April 10th FAVOURITE MOVIE : Forrest Gump FEAR: insects . . . .
Non sono bello, ma piaccio!!!! . . . mongolrally2018 mongolrally minivan bellavitaguiccio gallery solewhyskyeseiinpoleposition subaru subarulibero alboretoisnothing alboreto party indianajonesspostati theadventourist theroad roadtomongolia epicjourney wonderlust quotes bello piaccio nonsonobellopiaccio cala jerrycalà
Our t-shirts and gadgets are coming soon!! Support us for having Your original t-shirt! Presto in arrivo le nostre magliette e i nostri gadget! Ovviamente con i loghi dei nostri sponsor e quelli di coolearth e cittadellasperanza! Supporta il team e fai beneficenza per avere al più presto la tua maglietta o tazza del team! . . . .
Our t-shirts and gadgets are coming soon!! Support us for having Your original t-shirt! Presto in arrivo le nostre magliette e i nostri gadget! Ovviamente con i loghi dei nostro sponsor e quelli di coolearth e cittadellasperanza! Supportaci il team e fai beneficenza per avere al più presto la tua maglietta o tazza del team! . . . .
Ciao! Hai un attività che riguarda il campeggio o la vita all’aria aperta? Lavori su componenti automitive? Hai una libreria e non sai che fartene di mappe geografiche? Ottimo! Cerchiamo sponsorizzazioni tecniche! We are looking for technical sponsorship!!!! . . . .
Un augurio speciale a tutte le mamme del mondo A special wish to all the mothers of the world..
Un grazie al grande infinite a Sandro Paté per il suo re-post Nelle migliori librerie la sua biografia sulla vita del dogui! SEE YOU LATER See you later. Guido Nicheli, una vita da cumenda https://www.amazon.it/dp/8865060840/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_TXV9AbJWBQ5PR
Let’s start talking about our team! NAME: Alessandro. UNOFFICIAL JOB: Alboreto in nothing PR Manager. FAVORITE DISH: tortellini in brodo. GREATER MECHANICAL SKILL: door panels tear down. EXTREME EXPERIENCE: Bungee jumping.
Happy star wars day!
Finalmente on line! Un grazie infinite a Paolo Sartorio, webmaster del sito Finally on line! Many tks to Paolo Sartorio, our webmaster
Con il ritardo d’uopo alle migliori spedizioni… Mancano solo 3 mesi! Inizia il countdown With the delay proper to the best expeditions.. Only 3 month left! Countdown started
-100 giorno alla partenza! La nostra avventura sta per cominciare A breve la presentazione ufficiale di tutti i membri -100 days to go! Our adventure is almost ready, stay tuned to discover who we are
Se lo dice Han…. Trust in Han…
Ecco il primo nostro regalo a Piero! Una presentazione così… nemmeno per la più attesa delle supercar! Un ringraziamento speciale al mitico Marco per le riprese, il montaggio, e la pazienza! Fra l’altro… Notate nulla di diverso???