The best night sky we could never ever immagine to glaze at, sleeping in the Mongolian outdoor. . . .

The best night sky we could never ever immagine to glaze at, sleeping in the Mongolian outdoor. . . .
The best night sky we could never ever immagine to glaze at, sleeping in the Mongolian outdoor. . . .
Mongolian lunch!!!! . . . .
August 2018. Mongolia. ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ . . One fine day in Mongolia. Our perfect camping spot for the night!!! . . .
Correte in edicola!!!!!! Su Youngtimer di settembre un articolo che parla di Piero e del Mongol Rally!!!!! . . .
๐ฎ๐น E niente.. Quando si dice lo stile e la classe. Roberto Bolle spostati. ๐ฌ๐ง When you say Italian Style. . . .
Caro Piero, Ti abbiamo portato per circa 16000 km e 15 frontiere, su asfalto, buche, sterrati, sabbia, fuoristrada, dai 55 gradi alla temperatura della neve. Ti abbiamo guidato, spinto, tirato, ficcato in un camion frigo, preso a martellate, cambiato molle, cavi, fusibili come non ci fosse un domani, montati transistor e dato la miglior benzina che potevamo. Negli ultimi mesi abbiamo passato piรน tempo con te che con i nostri parenti e non sei sempre stato simpatico. Ma avevamo promesso di portarti qui su questo palchetto in Siberia e tu lo avevi promesso a noi. E lo abbiamo fatto Grazie! . . . . Dear Piero, We took you more than 16000 km and 15 borders far from home, through asphalt, tarmac, off road, holes, Sand, desert and mountains. We drove you, carried and tow, put in a fridge truck, we fixed spring, cables, transistors, changed tons of fuses and gave you the best fuel we fond. During the last months we saw you more than our families and no, you have not always been nice. But we promised you to bring you on this Siberian little stage and you promised us the same. We did it. Thanks! . . Grazie a Danisi Engineering, @japanpartsgroup @tubi_style_official @autoscuolarocca, SOGARI arti grafiche, CCL, @autogem.modena @ftech_motorsport @parco1923 @pleiadi_asd @autoscuolarocca, @ilovemaranello . . mongolrally2018 Mongolrally mongolia macchinagialla nonsonobellopiaccio finishline ulanude russia coolearth charity gallery fondazionecittadellasperanza Danisiengineering subaru subarulibero solewhiskyeseiinpoleposition alboretoisnothing party indianajonesspostati yellowisthenewblack tourtheplanet . @fogscientist @massimilianopezzo
“A forza di guardare il cielo e di respirare a pieni polmoni lโaria fresca della notte, mi pareva di riempirmi di stelle.” Tiziano Terzani . . ๐ฎ๐น Repost @fogscientist โข โข โข โข โข Campeggiando sotto le stelle della Mongolia. . . ๐ฌ๐ง Camping under Mongolian stars. . mongolia Mongolrally mongolrally2018 nightphotography canon5dmarkii lonelyplanetitaly gallery stars stelle vialattea solewhiskyeseiinpoleposition seekdiscovery siviaggiare alboretoisnothing party instadventures youdidnotsleepthere tourtheplanet travelingpost theadventurists earthoutdoors wildernessnation . . Photo by @massimilianopezzo
๐ฎ๐น Ovviamente nonostante il provvisorio e temporaneo cambio di mezzo non potevamo lasciare Piero(il cane) al suo destino o abbandonarlo! Per cui la nostra mascotte รจ sempre con noi! ๐ฌ๐ง Obviously, even of we change temporarly our car, our mascotte, Piero the dog, is going to stay with us!always! . .
๐ฎ๐น Piero non ha compressione in un cilindro.. Quindi fa i 30 km/h. Abbiamo preferito buttarlo su un meraviglioso “camion frigo” nel mezzo della Mongolia per non compromettere la possibilitร di salire sul traguardo con le sue routine (e per non metterci fino a fine agosto a arrivare a Ulan Ude). Almeno sta fresco. ๐ฌ๐ง Piero has no Compression in one of the cylinders and its top speed is like 30 km/h. So, we preferred it to go on a “fridge truck” for Some km not to compromise the possibility to drive on the finish line. . . .
๐ฎ๐น Un’altra foto di ieri, una giornata incredibile con Aisholpan, l’unica donna cacciatrice con la sua aquila, White wings. Aisholpan a 13 anni vinse il Golden Eagle festival ed รจ la protagonista del film “The Eagle Huntress”. Incredibile. Nella foto @massimilianopezzo, @caterina.secchieri, @fabiobernardinello con la macchina fotografica e grazie a @fogscientist che ci sta facendo la foto! . . . ๐ฌ๐ง Another funny picture of yesterday, with Aisholpan and her female eagle “White wings”. At the age of 13 She won the Eagle Festival and She is the star of the movie “The Eagle Huntress”. . . .
Repost @caterina.secchieri โข โข โข โข โข Mongolia. A day with Aisholpan, the Eagle Huntress. . . She is the first female eagle Huntress in 12 generation in her family; we spent a whole day with her and her eagle , speaking about Eagle Hunters culture and way of living, staring at her Wonderful and powerful bird amazed and scared at the same time. At the age of 13 She won the Eagle Festival and She is the star of the movie “The Eagle Huntress”. Just incredibile. What an incredibile young woman. . .
๐ฎ๐น E siamo in Mongolia!!!!!! Non c รจ bisogno di altre parole!!!!dopo 8 ore alla frontiera russo-mongola finalmente siamo nel paese dei cacciatori di aquile! ๐ฌ๐ง Finally MONGOLIAAAAA!! After 8 longest hours at the border we finally got into the eagle hunters country! ๐ฆ ๐ฆ ๐ฆ ๐ฆ . . .
Iranian Visa: done !! Our Passport is getting more and more precious every day! . . .
Our route to Mongolia is passing through epic landscapes. One of the is the Pamir Highway. The M41, known informally and more commonly as the Pamir Highway is a road traversing the Pamir Mountains through Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia. It starts from Dushanbe, extends to the Kyrgyzstan border, before cutting in on a direct route to Khorog and finishes in Osh. This highway is denitely described as one of the most spectacular in the world. It has been Built by Soviet military engineers between 1931 and 1934 to facilitate troop transport and provisioning, retracing the anc ient silk road. In all its potholed, yak-used glory, is a major highlight of visits to the region and Itโs the worldโs second highest highway, after the Karakorum one: it passes through the 4,655-meter (15,270 ft) high Ak-Baital Pass and past Lake Karakul. The roadway is paved is some areas, but is mostly unpaved, the landscape is lunar barren and otherworldly, though a little wetter than the earthโs orbiting rock, This is a hard climb even for 4-wheel drive vehicles and it can produce headache and difficulty breathing. . .
Our t-shirts and gadgets are coming soon!! Support us for having Your original t-shirt! Presto in arrivo le nostre magliette e i nostri gadget! Ovviamente con i loghi dei nostri sponsor e quelli di coolearth e cittadellasperanza! Supporta il team e fai beneficenza per avere al piรน presto la tua maglietta o tazza del team! . . . .
Our t-shirts and gadgets are coming soon!! Support us for having Your original t-shirt! Presto in arrivo le nostre magliette e i nostri gadget! Ovviamente con i loghi dei nostro sponsor e quelli di coolearth e cittadellasperanza! Supportaci il team e fai beneficenza per avere al piรน presto la tua maglietta o tazza del team! . . . .
This is actually our Visa situation today… Should we hurry up a little bit? . . .