🇮🇹Un’altra tappa imperdibile del viaggio: il cratere

🇮🇹Un’altra tappa imperdibile del viaggio: il cratere di Darvaza,,o “porta dell’inferno” un giacimento di gas naturale collassato, grande come un capo da calcio, che brucia ininterrottamente dal 1971! 🇬🇧Probably during our trip we will be stay overnight near the best firecamp ever: the Darvaza gas crater , or “Door to Hell”! It is a natural gas field collapsed in Turkmenistan, in the middle of Karakum desert: the diameter of the crater is 69m and its depth is 30, more or less like a football field and its glown at night can be seen for 10 km about.. Geologists set it on fire to prevent the spread of methane gas, and it burns since 1971, so long before any of us was born.. . . .