Mongolian lunch!!!! . . . .

Mongolian lunch!!!! . . . .
Mongolian lunch!!!! . . . .
🇮🇹 Un’altra foto di ieri, una giornata incredibile con Aisholpan, l’unica donna cacciatrice con la sua aquila, White wings. Aisholpan a 13 anni vinse il Golden Eagle festival ed è la protagonista del film “The Eagle Huntress”. Incredibile. Nella foto @massimilianopezzo, @caterina.secchieri, @fabiobernardinello con la macchina fotografica e grazie a @fogscientist che ci sta facendo la foto! . . . 🇬🇧 Another funny picture of yesterday, with Aisholpan and her female eagle “White wings”. At the age of 13 She won the Eagle Festival and She is the star of the movie “The Eagle Huntress”. . . .
Repost @caterina.secchieri • • • • • Mongolia. A day with Aisholpan, the Eagle Huntress. . . She is the first female eagle Huntress in 12 generation in her family; we spent a whole day with her and her eagle , speaking about Eagle Hunters culture and way of living, staring at her Wonderful and powerful bird amazed and scared at the same time. At the age of 13 She won the Eagle Festival and She is the star of the movie “The Eagle Huntress”. Just incredibile. What an incredibile young woman. . .